
Facts and Logic



Why bog yourself down with thoughts such as:

“How does all of the food at supermarkets and restaurants get grown, processed, and delivered?”;

“How do buildings and bridges and airplanes get designed and built so that they don’t just fall apart?”;

“What would happen if all of these electronic devices stopped working?”;

“What’s the connection between personal responsibility and general well-being?”;

“What is this “Natural Law” that I keep hearing un-woke deplorables mention?

“Why didn’t the people who were shouting ‘believe all women’ during the Kavanaugh debacle apply their righteous battle cry to the allegations against Biden”?

Can I actually trust the people who I’m getting news and information from?”; etc..

Now make no mistake; the official Frisky Fabric stance is that honest, constitution-abiding politicians are a rarity, regardless of party affiliation. It’s just that the Democrats are outright unabashedly trying to destroy what little still remains of our Constitutional Republic – now that they’ve succeeded in destroying the requirement of logical discourse.

We’ll be sure to make some disparaging, that is to say honest, designs about the Republican party soon.

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