
Losing Hurts – Quitting Kills



But why exactly is it that losing hurts? Here’s why: it is the experience of a loss of our ability to continue functioning in a manner that’s based upon false expectations and desire. It cuts off the flow of gratification-inducing drugs to our bloodstream.

Why else would losing something that our ongoing existence and well-being did not actually depend upon hurt so much? Yes, it takes an ongoing conscious effort to not be the monkey whose hand is stuck inside of a hole simply because it refuses to let go of the food that it cannot actually gain a desired level of control over.

And, of no less importance, why does quitting kill? Here’s why: it is the act of introducing a false, and poisonous, all-pervasive concept/substance into our system of belief.     

Quitting prevents one from becoming aware of those possibilities and means of worthy accomplishment which can only be discovered and cultivated through ongoing systematic efforts. It stunts our growth.

I maintain that repeated failures by those who were determined to achieve a certain objective have led to a greater number of satisfied participants, and benefit to the world, than all of the instant success the world has ever known. Re-evaluate. Re-calibrate. Reboot.  

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